
Brad Frost

Designer, writer, and speaker. Brad Frost is a popular speaker at web design conferences and consultant for all things web design and front-end web development related. Links: Atomic Design (book)

Jen Simmons

Jen Simmons

Designer and developer advocate at Mozilla. Member of the CSS Working Group. A popular speaker at many web design conferences, Jen Simmons is one of the most vocal advocates for improving web design layouts. Links: Layout Land (on youtube) Jen Simmons Labs Jen Simmons Talks

Sarah Drasner

Sarah Drasner is a well known JS dev that speaks at many conferences around the world. She has been an advocate of Vue.js.

Jakob Nielson

Usability expert behind Nielsen Norman Group (NN/G) and Alertbox, Jakob Nielsen, Ph.D., is a User Advocate and principal of the Nielsen Norman Group which he co-founded with Dr. Donald A. Norman (former VP of research at Apple Computer). Dr. Nielsen established the “discount usability engineering” movement for fast and cheap improvements of user interfaces and has …

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Donald Norman

Author of The Design of Everyday Things,  Donald Norman is widely regarded for his expertise in the fields of design, usability engineering, and cognitive science. He is co-founder and consultant with the Nielsen Norman Group.  

Dave Rupert

Dave Rupert is a lead developer at Paravel. Co-host of the podcast ShopTalk with Chris Coyier.

Chris Coyier

Chris Coyier is a web designer and developer well known for CSS-Tricks, the popular website that he built about building websites. He is also well known as the co-founder of CodePen, a playground/social dev environment for front end designers and developers. Along with Dave Rupert, he is the co-host of a podcast called ShopTalk, a show about building websites. …

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