Insert Pages is a WordPress plugin that lets you embed any WordPress content (e.g., pages, posts, custom post types) into other WordPress content using the Shortcode API. It also includes a widget for inserting pages into any widget area. It supports custom post types, whether created programmatically in a theme, or using another plugin like Custom Post Type UI and can abstract away common data types (like videos, quizzes, due dates) into custom post types, and then show those pieces of content within normal pages and posts by Inserting them as a shortcode. is an online learning space of helpful resources and curated lists of creative media related sites that are continually being updated.
Designed for life-long students of creative media, you’ll find recommended blogs to follow, podcasts to listen to, books to read, and newsletters. You’ll also find a growing range of educational resources, including topic-specific lessons, assignments, and exercises. More courses are coming soon.
What is Creative Media?
Depending upon who you ask, Creative Media can have several different definitions. Some academic institutions are beginning to use it as an umbrella term to include different-but-related creative media sub-disciplines, such as digital art, digital media, new media art, graphic design, interaction design, user experience design, etc. We define it as an emerging interdisciplinary study of the convergence of art, design, and technology.
Creative Media is an emerging interdisciplinary study of the convergence of art, design, and technology. Essential to this evolving discipline is the examination of how new technologies are affecting the creative process and the human condition.