February 7th & 8, 2019
Site: https://www.jsconfhi.com
See stuff on Twitter: https://twitter.com/hashtag/JSConfHi?src=hash
Presentation Notes
Kyle Oba
- Links:
- project at Honolulu Museum of Art on Surveillance
- https://www.pasdechocolat.com/
- Angela Ni as designer?
Visnu P
- how to cheat at life with JS
- built a “Set” game mobile app (with html5 canvas and JS) that uses the phone camera to find sets.
- Tags:
- JS, computer vision, AR, HTML5 Canvas
- Links:
James Halliday
- Community mapping with p2p in South America
- slides: https://github.com/substack/jsconfhi2019-offline-p2p-mapping
- Digitial Democracy
- Community maps of resources (different than government map, that are incomplete, and govs are the ones giving contracts to outsiders to mine, drill, etc)
- Many environmental challenges – offline p2p solution
Andres Cuervo
- immersive web in 2019
- Slides: https://slides.cwervo.com/mdx-slides/jsconf-hawaii-2019/
- Webgl and threejs
- Aframe (js framework for webgl?)
- Can test via codepen
- VR (start) then…
- AR (Pokémon go)
- XR (and WebXR) = VR & AR
- WebXR Device API
- Cool visual of AR in browser on a mobile device (rockets launching)
- Random idea: multiplayer beer pong or catch (throwing a virtual ping pong ball or ball to another, or virtual darts)
- Windy darts?
- slides.cuervo.com
Olivia Jack
- browser as visual synthesizer
- Hydra (her browser-based visual coding tool / editor where you code in the browser)
- Editor: https://hydra-editor-v1.glitch.me/
- Repo: https://github.com/ojack/hydra
- Awesome visuals!
- The “Feedback loop” leading to serendipity (good quote by Dan Sandin 1971)
Anna Watt
- collaborate design working
- Worked at Stanford doing accessibility and ux
- “Working sessions” or “working meetings” different than a traditional meeting.
- “Stand ups”
- Mural (tool) for virtual white boarding
- Figma
- Zoom.us (setup a NMA one?)
- Optimal workshop
Willian Martins
Future of JS II
- Nice slides on JS syntax and diff ways to do things like conditionals (if/then, switch/cases, and ____)
- Has a proposal for future JS improvements (advanced stuff)
Shawn Wang
Babel Macros
- Works at Netlfy as DX (Developer Experience)
- Had cools slides on history of JS
- Awesome storytelling presentation using Moana as narrative structure
- Compared rest and graphQL (then Babel and Babel Macros)
Brie Bunge
- Airbnb migrating to TypeScript
- “Typescript for the win!” (For her team)
- Strict JS leading to less bugs
Lin Clark and Till Schneidereit
Cartoons and WebAssembly
- Powerful for desktop or older apps (eg those built w/ C++) and has potential for things like running photoshop in the browser
- Growing, might play a more important role in the future as it gains more features that are currently in development
Matteo Collina
Node.js I/O
- Missed (had to leave early)
Stanimira Vlaeva
Embedding V8 in the real world
- Missed (had to leave early)
- Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQxllpntAZ6t9B7f6mrt768Yi7zQimvDSWIhuwWWb7EzehN1WXqwU0StL8_yKnYiyh90gIVwPPXfltu/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=60000&slide=id.g4cb33202f0_0_354
- What is V8? https://v8.dev/
Hilary Stohs-Krause
UX Talk
- Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/thestohs/jsconfhawaii-2019-how-to-make-your-website-not-ugly
- Basics of type (limiting the number of characters per line)
- Users scan (they do not read)
- Icons should have labels (as a rule, not the exception)
- Cool exercise (presenter asked think of a “share” icon, then showed examples of many difference icons used for sharing
- Use appropriate images with content/text (informative, relevant)
- Good slides of bad sites contrasted with good sites (examples)
- Good slide with a list of citations (sources) references to justify the design decisions she presented
Amy Wibowo
- Writing algorithms to calculate the phases of the moon
- Cool site: http://witchy.co/trig/
Louisa Barrett
- Color Theory (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Guide)
- from Turing School https://turing.io/
- Found video online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sq7RIQGzGNE
Crystal Martin
JavaScript is AsynchroWAT?
- Asynchronous JS
- functions
- callbacks
- promises
- take-away: instead of a bunch of nested if/thens (and a headache of error handling/bug-tracking) one can use promises to chain asynchronous things together (?)
- Async Await (just like a bunch of .then statements, but shorter and easier?)
- Used her personal hair routine as a nice example
Jenn Creighton
ES6 generators
- Created a game with sprite animation
- Initially used promises for all animations (to track status of all asynchronous animations?)
- Spoke about Callbacks (once were used, but were problematic and led to “callback hell”)
- event handling
- created a generator, ended up rewriting it with promises and generators
- thinking “sequentially” about “asynchronous” JS
- coroutines (?) where used and while loops (typically not used often ?)
- coroutines handle the chaining (sequencing)
Konstantin Raev
Hitting performance goals for the biggest Mobile JS App at Facebook
- Works at Facebook, fan of React and React Native
- Talked performance and Facebook Marketplace
- Live reloading vs Hot reloading (component reloading only)
- Spoke about lots of stuff (e.g. optimization, build processes, web pack, performance, etc.) including:
- JS code splitting
- Avoid extra render calls
Sarah Drasner
The Art of Code Comments
Cancelled (sick)
LIVE Podcast Panel discussion hosted by JS Party
Kevin Ball of JS Party + Friends
- Mainly on their usage of these programs
- webAssembly
- React js
Emily Kearney
Navigating Unconscious Bias: a tool-based approach to reprogramming our biases
- Motivated to overcome bias
- Observe the problem, positive redirection, transfer the work, label the stereotype
- images
Trish Ang
How to Fail at Accessibility
- Front end developer engineer at slack [show slack kit]
- Webpack
- Accessibility bugs are broken functionality..
- Testing, building, process
- Color contrast analyzer
- Focus ring – keyboard
- Control option u – accessibility talk on mac (I think raph and craig show in their presentation)
- Aria
- Js utility coding
- images
Garth Henson
Where did all my servers go?
- Using node and react
- Serverless
- Rather pay for service than building your own
- AWS amazon, SLA – idk on
Thais Correia
GraphQL, the Domain Way
- Software engineer
- GraphQL – Graph Query Language
- Goes with react
- Images
Jessica Lord
Building up the Electron Project: Team and Community Engineering
- Was an engineering with github
- Atom-shell text editor now Electron
- jlord.us/essential-electron
General notes
- React hooks (There was a joke about this: sites with and sites without)
- Consider using GitHub root ghpages repo for your portfolio